22/06/ · Forex News Trader - Forex Trading in Forex trading, or currency trading, is one of the most easily accessible types of trading there is. It is international in scope, and the brokers that facilitate trades serve clients from all over the globe. For many people, that bit of information alone is enough to be overwhelming Real-time Forex News and the latest trading updates. Stay updated on the latest news about currencies and commodities markets 08/08/ · Trades; News; Calendar; Market; Brokers; Login; Bookmark Thread. First Page First Unread Last Page Last Post. Print Thread. Similar Threads. Free 'live' news services similar to Talking-Forex 0 replies. Historical News data and news trading 4 replies. news services 20 replies. News Services 0 replies. Rookie Talk / Reply to Thread
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One of the great advantages of trading currencies is that the forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week from Sunday, forex news trading services, 5 p.
until Friday, 4 p. Since markets move because of news, economic data is often the most important catalyst for short-term movements. This is particularly true in the currency market, which responds not only to U. economic numbers, but also to news from around the world. Here, we look at which economic numbers are released when, which data is most relevant to forex traders, and how traders can act on this market-moving information.
With at least eight major currencies available for trading at most currency brokers, there is always a piece of economic data slated for release that forex traders can use to make informed trades.
In fact, seven or more pieces of data are released almost each weekday except holidays from the eight major most-followed countries, forex news trading services.
So for those who choose to trade news, there are plenty of opportunities. The eight major forex news trading services are familiar to most traders:.
dollar USD 2. Euro EUR 3. British pound GBP 4. Japanese yen JPY 5. Swiss franc CHF 6. Canadian dollar CAD 7. Australian dollar AUD 8. New Zealand dollar NZD. And there are many liquid currency pairs derived from the eight major currencies:. Currencies that can be easily traded span the globe.
This means that you can handpick the currencies and economic releases to which you pay particular attention. But, as a general rule, since the U. economic releases tend to have the most pronounced impact on forex markets. Trading news is harder than it may sound. Not only is the reported consensus figure important, but so are the whisper numbers the unofficial and unpublished forecasts and any revisions to previous reports.
Also, some releases are more important than others; this can be measured in terms of both the significance of the country releasing the data and the importance of the release in relation to the other pieces of data being released at the same time. Figure 1 lists the approximate times Eastern Time of the most important economic releases for each of the following countries. These are also the times that players in the forex market pay extra forex news trading services to the markets, especially when trading based on news releases.
Figure 1: Times at which various countries release important economic news. When trading news, you first have to know which releases are actually expected that week. Second, knowing which data is important is also key.
Generally speaking, the most important information relates forex news trading services changes in interest rates, inflation, and economic growth, like retail sales, manufacturingand industrial production:.
Interest rate decisions 2. Retail sales 3. Inflation consumer price or producer price 4. Unemployment 5. Industrial production 6. Business sentiment surveys 7. Consumer confidence surveys 8. Trade balance 9. Manufacturing sector surveys. Depending on the current state of the economy, the relative importance of these releases may change.
For example, unemployment may be more important this month than trade or interest rate decisions. Therefore, it is important to keep on top of what the market is focusing on at the moment. According to a study by Martin D. Evans and Richard K. Lyons published in the Journal of International Money and Financethe market could still be absorbing or reacting to news releases hours, if not days, after the numbers are released.
The study found that the effect on returns generally occurs in the first or second day, but the impact does seem to linger until the fourth day. The impact on the flow of buy and sell orders, on the other hand, forex news trading services, is still very pronounced on the third day and is observable on the fourth day.
The most common way to trade news is to look for a period of consolidation or uncertainty ahead of a big number and to trade the breakout on the back of the news.
This can be done on both a short-term basis intraday or over several days, forex news trading services. After a weak number in September, the euro was holding its breath ahead of the October number, which was to be released to the public in November.
A pip is the smallest measure of change in a currency pair in the forex market, and since most major currency pairs are forex news trading services to four decimal places, the smallest change is that of the last decimal forex news trading services. For news traders, this would have provided a great opportunity to put on a breakout trade, forex news trading services, especially since the likelihood of a sharp move at this time was extremely high.
The table above illustrates shows—with two horizontal lines forming a trading channel —the indecision and uncertainty leading up to October non-farm payroll numberswhich were released in early November. Note the increase in volatility that forex news trading services once the numbers were released.
We mentioned earlier that trading news is harder than you might think. The primary reason is volatility. You can be forex news trading services the right move but the market may simply not have the momentum to sustain the move.
This chart shows activity after the same release as the one shown in Figure 2 but on a different time frame to show how difficult trading news releases can be. On Nov. economy gained only 56, jobs. The disappointment led to an approximately pip sell-off in the dollar against the euro in the first 25 minutes after the release.
One thing you should keep in mind is that, on the back of a good number, a strong move should also see a strong extension. dollar was able to take control and push higher. dollar is going upward, and vice versa. One potential answer to capturing a breakout in volatility without having to face the risk of a reversal is to trade exotic options. Exotic options generally have barrier levels and will be profitable or unprofitable based on whether the barrier level is breached.
The payout is predetermined and the premium or price of the option is based on the payout. The following are the most popular types of exotic options to use to trade news releases:. A double one-touch option has two barrier levels. Either one of the levels must be breached prior to expiration in order for the forex news trading services to become profitable and for the buyer to receive the payout.
If neither barrier level is breached prior to expiration, the option expires worthless. A double one-touch option is forex news trading services perfect option to trade for news releases because it is a pure non-directional breakout play, forex news trading services. As long as the barrier level is breached—even if the price reverses course later—the payout is made. A one-touch option only has one barrier level, which generally makes it slightly less expensive than a double one-touch option.
The same criterion holds—the payout is only made if the barrier is breached prior to expiration. This is a good option to buy if you actually have a view on whether the number will be stronger or weaker than the market's consensus forecast.
Options on currencies are a viable alternative for those who do not care to get whipsawed in the markets by undue volatility before they actually see the spot price move in their desired direction; there are different types of currency options available through a handful of forex brokers.
A double no-touch option is the exact opposite of a double one-touch option. There are two barrier levels, but in this case, forex news trading services, neither barrier level can be breached before expiration—otherwise the option payout is not made. This option is great for news traders who think that the economic release will not cause a pronounced breakout in the currency pair and that it will continue to range trade.
The currency market is particularly prone to short-term movements brought on by the release of economic news from both the U. and the rest of the world. If you want to trade news successfully in the forex market, there are several important considerations: knowing when reports are expected, understanding which releases are most important given current economic conditions and, of course, knowing how to trade based on this market-moving data. Do your research and stay on top of economic news and you too can reap the rewards.
Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Table of Contents Expand. Currency Focus. When Are Key News Releases? What Are the Key Releases? How Long Does the Effect Last? How to Actually Trade News? Trading News With Exotic Options. The Bottom Line, forex news trading services.
Key Takeaways Economic data tends to be one of the most important catalysts for short-term movements in the forex market.
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